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FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge combines a project and the robot challenges. The project asks students to solve a problem facing society today, such as helping the elderly, or improving mass transportation system. The robot is created from Lego Mindstorms and must navigate a 4' x 8' obstacle course for maximum points.

Core Values


We explore new skills and ideas



We respect each other and embrace our differences


We use creativity and persistence to solve problems


We are stronger when we work together


We apply what we learn to improve our world


We enjoy and celebrate what we do!


Robot Game

Guided by their coaches and mentors, students design, build, and program autonomous robots using LEGO© MINDSTORMS© EV3 technology to
perform a series of missions based on that year’s theme released by FIRST©


Using the LEGO© MINDSTORMS© Education EV3 Software students learn to program and use introductory level coding.



Students choose and solve a real-world problem they have identified related to that year’s Challenge as identified by FIRST©

Projects involve research, a presentation given in front of judges at tournaments, and a tri-fold display board explaining the research done throughout the season and how the team has arrived at their solution to the problem.

Engage with their community to learn about real-life problems in their community and share with community members their solution to those problems.



Learn teamwork and communication skills.


Discover the fun of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)


Real-world application of science and math concepts

Hands-on problem solving

Programming experience


Experience speaking in front of people.


Building self-confidence, knowledge, and career and life skills.


Meet new friends and become part of a robotics family that they can continue on to different levels through middle and high school.

What FLL Challenge Involves


Teams consist of 5-7 children aged 4-8th grade

Teams have adult coaches / mentors

Teams use meetings to  research and build

The team decides where and how long to meet, but it must be in a public place and not at home


They receive a challenge to research and come up with a unique solution

Teams put together a play or presentation explaining their solution and research they have done

The team decides which obstacles they would like to do and how many they can do in the 2 min 30 second match

Using the EV3 Mindstorm or the Lego Prime kit, they build a Lego Robot to accomplish these missions

Teams also create a “show me” poster explaining a bit about their team and their solution, as well as the core values they have learned


Teams go to the Lego Practice Regional at the Lakeshore Robotics Education Center on October 28th

Teams then compete all day on either Saturday November 11 or Sunday November 12 at Lakeshore Technical College in Cleveland



Fee: Suggested donation of $40.00 to help cover the cost of T-shirts / kits and supplies.


Kickoff: Monday September 11th – 6-8 p.m. at the Lakeshore FIRST Robotics Education Center – 2814 Wollmer St., Manitowoc.


Contact: Jennifer – Director of Lego League Challenge at



Lakeshore Robotics Education Center

2814 Wollmer Street

Manitowoc, WI 54220


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